What are dimensions?

How many dimensions exist

As we know we live in three-dimensional world. 

Then what are the other dimensions? Did aliens live in other dimensions?

According to M-theory there are 11 dimensions. Before M-theory came, there were several theories like bosonic and superstring theory which says there are 26 and 10 dimensions respectively.

The M-theory is the latest theory. So description of all dimensions are —

 1. 0-D (Zeroth dimension)

        In 0-D, there is only a point which doesn't have length, width and height.

2. 1-D (First dimension)

      In 1-D, only length exist, no breadth and depth. Particle can only move forward and backward, there are no turns.

3. 2-D (Second dimension)

      Only length and breadth exist, depth does not exist. Particle can only move forward and backward, there are no turns.

4. 3-D (Third dimension)

      Length, breadth and depth exist but no time control. Person can only move forward, backward, take turns or can go to depth and height.

 5. 4-D (Fourth dimension)

      Time is fourth dimension. Person who can travel back in time is living in this dimension.

 6. 5-D (Fifth dimension)

       In this dimension person can move in any direction simultaneously. Here, person can exist at more than one place at same time like electrons and  Quantum Particles does.

 7. 6-D (Sixth dimension)

      In this dimension,person can move in any direction in time and can also teleport.

 8. 7-D (Seventh dimension)

       In this dimension multi universe exist. Peoples living in this dimension can travel to other universe.

 9. 8-D (Eight dimension)

      In this dimension there is no physical existence but life exist be in the form of energy like digital data exist in 3-D.

10. 9-D (Ninth dimension)

        In this dimension different civilization exist at one place at the same time (like quantum particle does)  but can't see and realize each other.

 11. 10-D (Tenth dimension)

          Person living in this dimension can control parallel universe and is like a god or superman for us.

 12. 11-D ( Eleventh dimension)

          According to string theory, in 11-D nothing exist except string which is even smaller than quarks, bosons fermions etc. But every dimensions' life begins from this dimension only from string.

It's was just a introduction, I will get back to you with more details.

Each and every dimension will be discussed in detail on upcoming posts.


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