God particle-Higgs Boson and Ghost Particle-Neutrino

Universe is not so simple as it appears or you think. There is a vast difference between reality and illusion.

Today our main focus will be on God Particle (higgs boson) and Ghost Particle(neutrinos).

                God Particle

Tell me what do you understand by mass?

Definitely you are thinking that I'm stupid, mass is the amount of matter that a body contains.

Congrats, you are absolutely wrong.

I know you are thinking that I passed my exams by writing this only.

After reading this, you will have new vision of physics.

When scientists solve quantum field equation, they always get amazed that what's happening, according to solution no particles should possess mass.

So tell, me due to which factors mass exist?

Yes you are thinking right. It's God Particle or Higgs Boson.

So what is mass?

Mass is the resistance felt by the particles.
Resistance, what kind of resistance?

Got confused

Lets elaborate...

• Higgs Field

        Higgs Field is the type of energy field present in every region of the universe due to which particle possess mass. 

 Higgs boson or God Particle

       Higgs boson is the particle due to which particle gets mass.
It is formed by the quantum excitation of the higgs field.
Resistance felt by the particles moving in higgs field due to higgs boson is nothing but mass.

When scientists get into trouble after solving quantum field equation then the scientist Peter Higgs suggested that the whole universe is filled with higgs field and the phenomenon of mass is nothing but the resistance felt by particles.

• Observation of the higgs boson or God Particle

           On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider observed god particle.

         On 8 October 2013 the nobel prize in physics was awarded jointly to François Englert and Peter Higgs for their prediction.

• Bosons

     They are of two type-

1. Force carriers- Photons, W and Z bosons, Glucons and Graviton.
2. Mass carrier- Higgs boson.

              Ghost particle

Are you thinking that ghost particle is the particle of ghost. 
Ha ha very funny.

Ghost particle or neutrinos can travel
approximately with the speed of light.

Neutrino does not have any electric charge. That's why detection of these particles is very difficult. They do not interact even with very powerful magnetic field.

They rarely interact with surrounding.
Do you know about 100 trillion  ghost particle pass through our body every second. But we can't see them.

They are continuously producing through nuclear reactions.
They were first formed in the first second of the early universe of course before atom formed.

•Types of neutrinos-

1. Electron neutrinos
2.Muon neutrinos
3. Tau neutrons

Particle used to form neutrinos decides the flavor or name of the neutrinos.

In 1959, Clyde Cowan and Fred Reines finally found a neutrino by performing  experiment in nuclear power plant.

Leon Lederman, Mel Schwartz, and Jack Steinberger, scientists at CERN discovered muon neutrino. They discovered this by firing a GeV proton beam through the target producing pions, muons, and muon neutrinos. 

Wofgang Ernst Pauli was the  first predicted the neutrino. He solved the mistry of apparent loss of energy and momentum that he observed when studying radioactive beta decays.

God and Ghost particles can be very useful in study of dark matter and dark energy.

Dark matter and dark energy will be discussed later.


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