String theory|11th Dimension| Unified theory

Want to get amazed again? 

Want to know the reality of the world??

Come on tell me what is the smallest thing of universe?

If you are a school student then you will say atom.
 If you are a college student then you will say quark, fermions, boson, etc.

Congratulations, you are wrong.

The smallest thing of the universe is string which is present in eleventh dimension.

Earlier to understand universe, two theories were used...

     •  General theory of relativity
                Used to understand the big things like black holes.

      • Quantum field theory
                 To understand universe at atomic or sub-atomic level.

But some creative scientists need the unified theory to understand the universe.

When scientists observed the intrections between the particles, the concept of four fundamental forces came.

    • Electromagnetic force

    • Strong nuclear force

    • Weak nuclear force

    • Gravitational force

Gravitational force carriers-s the weakest force among four fundamental forces but have extremely large field.

Particles of every fundamental forces have been founded by scientists except of the elementary particle of gravitational force.
According to Quantum Mechanics, massless particle should present in the matter.  And it's non other then graviton( supposed elementary particle of gravity).

Do you know, there are no theory which proves the existence of gravity at microscopic level.

But if the theory developed which proves the existence of gravity or graviton then we will get the "theory of everything".

 String theory claims to explain the gravity.

Come on, tell me what is the ultimate thing of the universe, definitely you are saying it's simple the smallest thing of the universe is quarks.

Again congrats, it's not quark.

Then what is it?

Answer- The smallest thing of universe is vibrations.

Reality is this only. 

According to string theory, each and every thing of the universe is made up of vibrations. 

I know you are thinking that if everything is made up of vibrations then, why there are different types of shapes and matter exist?

It is so because the state of matter is depended upon the pattern of vibrations of strings.

But according to mathematical equation, this world is not just exist in 4 dimensions.


Have patience, I will tell u everything regarding that.

According to string theory, there are total 11 dimensions.

10 space dimensions and 1 dimension of time.

List of all dimensions- 

• Zeroth dimension
• First dimension
• Second dimension
• Third dimension
• Forth dimension
• Fifth dimension
• Sixth dimension
• Seventh dimension
• Eighth dimension
• Ninth dimension
• Tenth dimension
• Eleventh dimension

Scientists who believe in string theory belives that other dimensions are around us only but we are not able to see or feel them.

String theory has unified the different kinds of string theory proposed.

Now coming up to aliens, they may be in some another dimensions.

Eleventh dimension is the dimension where every thing of the universe or we can say things of another 10 dimensions comes into exist.


Take a break and tickle you FUNNYBONES.

                                             By Vedansh Tiwari


  1. Well explained, and good topic.

  2. Wow vedansh sir you explained very topic.
    Your explanation is very good.
    Keep it up.


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