Time|Forth dimension| What is time |Quantization of time | Theory of relativity

What is the basic requirement of your life?

Or which  thing is the essential part of the universe?

Yes, you are right. It's time.

So, what is time?

Time is what we utilize or waste.

For physics, time is fourth dimension.

Now we can say that feeling of moving from one coordinate system of first dimensions to another coordinate system.
Say from present to future.

Moving in forth dimension is known as time travel or fourth dimensional travel.


What do you mean by space-time.

Space in time?

Quite right.

Space time is the fabric of space and time.
Space time is the four dimensional manifold created by the fusion of three dimensions of space and one dimension of time.

Sir Albert Einstein suggested that gravity is not force which propagates in space but it is the disturbance in spacetime.

According to sir Albert Einstein, gravity is the disturbance in spacetime caused due to the mass of the body.

Time travel is name given to travelling in forth dimension.
There are many ways to perform time travel.

Time: Relative of or Absolute

Before sir Albert Einstein gave his theory of relativity, time was considered as absolute.

But sir Albert Einstein suggested that time is not absolute, it is relative.


Time is dependent upon the mass.
Because mass is related to space and space is related to mass.

The greater the mass the slower will be the time.

Quantization of time

Is time is quantized like charge?

Is there is any constant value like charge of an atom and fundamental particle  of time.

About this there is no theory which supports or against the idea of quantization of time.

                                                  - Vedansh Tiwari


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