New Theory Of Gravity

I know you are excited about new theory of  gravity (Chameleon Theory)  

I know now you have the basic understanding of gravity after reading my previous post on quantum gravity.

Scientists have discovered new theory of gravity which can be alternative of general theory of relativity.

the supercomputer simulations of galixies shows that general relativity is not only the way to understand gravity. Chameleon Theory can be an alternative.

But general theory of relativity has been proven again and again.
Recently image of real black hole again proved the general theory of relativity.

The computer simulations were run in DiRAC.

Results shows that this new allows the simulations of large galaxies like milkyway galaxy.

Chameleon theory allows physics laws to be modified.

According to this theory, if gravity got changed then it will not prevent disk galaxies with spiral arms from forming.

This theory talks about fifth force. 
Fifth force can be of dark matter.

According to scientists, expansion of our universe can be due to dark energy.

Some popular theories of gravity    

There are many popular theories of gravity like Sir Issac Newton given his law of gravity.
Sir Albert Einstein also explained the phenomenon of gravity.

Newton's law of universal gravitation

According to this law, every object which posses mass attracts every other object which posses mass.

This law also states that gravitational force between any two object is directly proportional the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Sir Newton gave his theory when one plague was spreading rapidly and his college was closed due to plague.

One day he was thinking about forces of nature, and saw a falling apple. From there he realised that there are some force in nature due to which we are able to stand on earth surface. The same force make apple falling or attracting towards earth.
After he research, he published a comprehensive theory of gravity in 1687.

Einstein Theory Of Gravity

General Theory (GR) Of Relativity or General Relativity is the theory of gravitation published by Sir Albert Einstein in 1915.

So far, Einstein's theory of general relativity is the best theory that explains gravity.

According to Einstein, gravity are the waves.

According to GR, gravity is the geometric property of space-time.

Quantum Gravity

Quantum Gravity defines the gravity at quantum level.

Scientists ignore the gravity while performing experiments because it is very weaker force.

Also it's particle- Graviton have not beeb discovered yet.

But everywhere gravity can not be ignored.
For example black hole and white hole.

There are more amazing topics of gravity like Loop Quantum Gravity, Gravitational Lancing, Plank Scale. To read about them click here.

                              - Vedansh Tiwari


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